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Trends in Digital Account Opening
October 2021 : DBR288
Building a digital account opening capability is more important than ever, with the cost of falling behind growing every day. To implement a digital account opening functionality, however, is extremely complex, with the demands of the marketplace requiring a review of every component of legacy business models. Banks...[more]
Leveraging Emerging Technologies and Fostering Innovation
October 2021 : DBR287
Consumer expectations and the capabilities of modern technology have combined to drive a much faster approach to innovation. As opposed to sporadic introductions of new features, benefits or products, financial institutions must embrace the concept of innovation that occurs at a scale, speed, and scope far beyond what...[more]
Future of Digital Lending
Future of Digital Lending
September 2021 : DBR286
Last year’s report on digital lending maturity illustrated that financial institutions of all sizes had to move quickly to respond to a marketplace that could no longer visit branches. At the same time that organizations deployed Payment Protection Program (PPP) loans many were also finding ways for consumers...[more]
Open Banking and Embedded Finance
Open Banking and Embedded Finance
September 2021 : DBR285
Open banking is a global trend driven by technology, innovation, regulation, non-traditional competitive offerings, and consumer demand for enhanced financial services and control over how their data is used. Open banking allows for the secure transmission of account data authorized by the customer to a third party provider,...[more]
Delivering Modernized Digital Solutions
Delivering Modernized Digital Solutions
August 2021 : DBR284
Excellent customer experiences will define winners and losers in the financial services industry in the future. As consumer expectations rise across all delivery channels and with every demographic segment, the ability to deliver against these expectations will have a direct impact on an organization’s revenue and profitability. Unfortunately,...[more]
Gaining Competitive Advantage with Data and Analytics
Gaining Competitive Advantage with Data and Analytics
August 2021 : DBR283
Data and advanced analytics can provide a huge competitive advantage and source of growth for traditional and non-traditional financial services providers. Organizations with data and analytic maturity can provide hidden insights into the daily operations of organizations, helping them to come up with more efficient and productive ways...[more]
The Power of Data-Driven Marketing
The Power of Data-Driven Marketing
August 2021 : DBR282
Consumers are increasingly testing alternative financial providers that are creating personalized solutions that are easy to try and personalized in their delivery. This puts virtually all of your existing customer relationships at risk, limiting growth opportunities and making the acquisition of new customers more challenging than ever. As...[more]
Building Contextual Engagement Across Channels
Building Contextual Engagement Across Channels
July 2021 : DBR281
The ability to personalize communication and experiences across the customer journey is not a new phenomenon, but the ability to deliver personalization at scale has been made much easier with the availability of greater amounts of data, new analytic capabilities, and new technologies that can respond to opportunities...[more]
Transforming Consumer Lending with Connected Banking
Transforming Consumer Lending with Connected Banking
June 2021 : DBR280
Digital banking transformation is significantly impacting all areas of banking and the customer experience. In no area of banking is this more apparent than in consumer lending. For many banks and credit unions, while loan applications may be able to be taken online, the process still takes far...[more]
Leading Digital Transformation
Leading Digital Transformation
May 2021 : DBR279
Digital banking transformation is the most important overarching initiative in financial services today. Broad in scope and never-ending in execution, the process of making an organization future-ready for digital is a necessity for success. Financial institution leaders worldwide understand that their customers, workers and competition have gone digital....[more]
The Importance of Future-Ready Payments
The Importance of Future-Ready Payments
April 2021 : DBR278
The impact of the pandemic on the banking industry was immediate and impactful. The shift to digital transactions not only changed the banking industry, but every industry globally, as consumers accepted the need to make purchases and payments using digital devices, with embedded experiences and one touch engagement....[more]
Building a Strong Data and Information Strategy
Building a Strong Data and Information Strategy
March 2021 : DBR277
When we discuss digital banking transformation, a conversation about using data and analytics to improve the customer experience is where most financial services executives will start. This is because, more than ever, the power of data and customer insight can drive most decisions, and impact the revenue and...[more]