Digital Banking Forecast
Current, future and historical usage: 1994 to 2023
Jim Bruene
January 2014
: OBR 224
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In this report, we look at online/mobile banking and billpay usage in the United States, both past (back to 1994), present, and future (through 2023). Year-by-year projection are provided for the following online products and services:
- Checking/deposit account access
- Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending
- Mobile access
- Loan/credit card access
- Account aggregation
- Pay-anyone bill pay
- Direct bill pay
- Person-to-person (P2P) payments
Also, in this report we look at:
- Mobile banking forecast for 2025
- The top 10 developments in 2013
- The top 50 online banking innovations of all-time including four new entrants
- Recap of the top-10 innovations by year since 1996
Digital Banking Forecast
forecast, trends, trendline, usage, bill pay, account aggregation, biller direct, statistics, best of the web, top, marketing, product innovations of all time