2012 Guide to Online & Mobile Banking Products, Pricing & Strategy
Preparing for a mobile-first world
Jim Bruene
August 2011
: OBR 196/197
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Our 17th annual Remote Banking Planning Guide is packed with more than 1,000 brainstorm-inducing ideas, tactics, and tips you can use to improve the effectiveness and profitability of your online initiatives.
The information is organized by product within the two major retail banking segments: consumers and small/microbusinesses.
To help navigate the challenging year ahead, the the report includes a summary of the 25 best “bang for your buck” projects for next year and beyond.
Finally, with fee revenue, or lack thereof, one of the most important online banking issues, the 2012 Planning Guide includes a 12-page section on pricing online services and transactions. Suggested fees for both consumers and businesses are presented for every online financial function

2012 Guide to Online & Mobile Banking Products, Pricing & Strategy
planning, strategy, product management, tatics, business planning, strategic planning, business plan, marketing plan